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Looking For A New Hookah

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haha hey everyone, with all this hype on smileys small hookah i have been getting the urge to buy a new hookah that is smaller than my 34 inch oasis. I want something maybe as small as smileys hookah to 22 inch? i live in Canada so probably going to look around and try to get a small egyptian or syrian locally. My QT just isn't doing it for me anymore. The 34 inch just kills it in every aspect so this is the reason i am out searching for a smaller hookah that will smoke better than the QT since the oasis is too much of a hassle to be using on a regular basis. If i do look locally? What should i be looking for? are small egyptian hookahs generally worse smoke quality than the bigger ones? as in is it hard to find a good hookah that is as small as the one smiley sold? and what should i be checking for? just to check if it has a tight seal or should is there more to test? thanks for the answers everyone!
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