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Remove Rust

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I just got mine a week ago and mine came with what looked like rust but I was told that it was welding stuff. I wouldn't be too concerned if it is new. How bad does it look? If you know it is rust..well others suggested using clr but I would not just cuz you won't want to inhale that stuff even if it is rinsed off it might still be on your stem. You could try lemon juice and see if that helps get it off but I am not really sure if it will get that off. I'm not sure if its okay to use a rusted stem. Maybe the water filters the rust out. I know smoking with a rusty hose would be bad but not sure if a stem is just as bad. Maybe the water does something. I'm not sure.
I'm just thinking that if the hose has nothing to filter, and the stem has the water in the base to go through and filter things out, maybe the water can filter rust particles. It probably doesn't though so don't take my word for it. I am just thinking things out. I'm sure someone else will know the answer to your question though. Sorry if I am not much help.
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Also it might not be rust because most stems are stainless steel. Especially if it is expensive it should be made of quality stainless steel. Some are just outer coated with that and have aluminum underneath so you might want to find out what it is made out of. I know they can all rust over time. You would think that scince it is made to be in water it would be made to not rust. I really don't know what else to do with a rusty stem. If it is really really bad then buy a new one but like you said it was expensive so I don't know what else to say.
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Break out your gun cleaning kit (you do have a gun cleaning kit right?) and get to work with a bronze brush and #9. It might be slow going but if it is rust you'll eventually get rid of it. Clean it real good when your through.
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