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Hookah In Public

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Doesnt anyone else sometimes hate how suspicious the hookah looks? All my freinds moms instantly think theyre used for smoking illegal substances in.

Also have any of you ever been approached by police and been questioned what you were doing.
Its just that at the park where we smoke we get these TERRIBLE stares from people.Its like we are potheads..and the THICK smoke doesnt help laugh.gif

Are there any rules in your area ?
Are you ever nervous to smoke away in public with your hookah for all to see ?

ALSO - its very unclear to alot of people what shisha and hookah is.Sometimes the buzz i experience from hookah is WAY more than enough for me to stop myself from driving.its real bad sometimes...almost like being stoned or something blink.gif This is why i question its public portray.i swear if i got caught by a cop id shit myself cuz my hookah smells of some real weed or something and ive NEVER put an ounce in there.
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I've wanted to hookah on my the porch of my apartment many many times, but my girlfriend wouldn't let me because she didn't want neighbor's thinking that we were smoking something illegal.

I still haven't had the luxury of smoking hookah outside somewhere other than the local hookah lounge, and smoking around 50 people, and smoking around 4 friends is totally different.
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I used to smoke out on a small front deck in my old condo, but we were surrounded by college students who knew what a hookah was or didn't care. Now, I just smoke on the back patio/deck if outside and there's a small ravine behind me with new construction a ways across, so no snoopy neighbors to worry about. I did it this morning even though it's in the low 30's, it kept the hookah nice and cold the whole time. happy.gif
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yea I used to smoke a lot in the nearest parks around here. I've had a few cops walk up to me and ask what I was doing. I had to explain what a hookah was, how it worked, and I showed him the shisha. He just laughed at me and was like "why go through all of that work to smoke tobacco". I think that because of soldiers coming back from Iraq with hookahs more people will be enlightened about it, but until then I'll just spread it around my community. I really cant wait for summer to roll by.
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i smoke wherever around here noone really pays attention to what's going on so i've never been approached about it, but i can see why that would happen. i'd just carry along the package of shisha with you that has the ingredients on it. that way if you are ever questioned about it, it won't be a whole long process.
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We had a local Starbucks allow us to smoke hookah on there patio. The security guard tried to chase os of the Smiley Smokers away. So I ralled the troops we did a smoke in at Starbucks.They loved it we all bought something to eat and drink and Smoked on the patio,. The same mall security called the local PD. Well they showed up. Said hey Smiley hows is everything. Its good to be friends and have clients that are police. Needless to say we stayed and smoked after that we smoke there anytime we want. Just educate the ones that ask. Screw the rest. If it a policeman just explain show them the shisha explain what you are doing and is not against the law.They will figure it out.Don't worry just Smoke and enjoy life. Remember to be exact and nice to the uneducated.They are just scared.
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i used to smoke outside my dorm room all the time until our RA came over and told us we couldn't do it. I went to the head of the dorms with my Hookah and shish and convinced them that we weren't doing anything illegal. They allowed us to keep smoking because they couldn't think of a logical reason why not to. After that, whenever my RA walked by i would say "You want some? It's legal." and she would just glare and walk away. Hookah people 1, Haters 0!
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i have done it at a local park where a bunch of cops were. They apporached and was like "are you guys dumb" were like no, its legal, i was polite and showed them the tobacco and let them smell it. and then one tried it. and he liked it, and one cop stated it was better than pipe tobacco, and i was like RIDE ON! Edited by djbomberto
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Its rather sad that our society has come to fear authority over doing something legal.

Nope.. not afraid....

Pull up to the city park... hang the hookah up and smoke right there in the truck.... with the AK-47 rifle right by it. I've gotten strange looks.... no one has come upt to me yet. The police have passed and not stopped.

If I do get questioned by the police or sheriffs dept about it, I will smile... and educate... I will not get defensive or hostile about it. Theres no reason to... Im not doing anything wrong.... so I wont act like I have something to hide.

However...... there is a period of time where I live that it would be ILLEGAL to smoke hookah out and about. We things during draught here called "burn bans". Depending on severity.... burning leaves.... using charcoal BBQ's and in worst case scenarios, out-door smoking gets banned as well. These days.... with the weather the way it is, that means around 4 months out of the year.
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In my town, about a third of the officers own hookahs. 90% of the rest know what they are. I owe this to the local tobacconist.... see, we have one of the midwest's finest tobacco shops in town, and it happens out boys in blue have a thing for cigars. Well, Mike, the owner was having a hookah party one night when the squad came in for their tobacco products. Mike told me they were really interested, and that every officer but one who tried it that night walked out with one. smile.gif

Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power.
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Mainly people just go "cool hookah" or "what a crazy bong!"

But once (after a girl in a nearby building OD'd on heroin) the cops were present around my dorm, and saw me and my friends smoking. He politely came over, and flashed his badge. He smelt the bowl, and container of tobacco I had (AW Strawberry) with me. Other than that, no problem.
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i had a big argument with one of my friends moms cause she came in and thought we were all smoking pot. She almost fainted, then when she went home she started spreading rumours, and i had to confront her, and explain to her what a hookah is and what it is designed for. She apologized, but it just goes to show how incredibly ignorant the general population is about hookahs.
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QUOTE (SafeSearchOff @ Feb 27 2007, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've always wanted to park hookah, but I'm pretty sure a cop could come up with some reason to get me in trouble. NJ doesnt give tobacco any leeway at all.

Is it illegal to smoke cigarettes in your park? If not, I can't imagine that they've banned other forms of tobacco use.
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Yea I live in a small town and im pretty sure im the only one here who owns a hookah much less knows what one is. Ive been trying to tell people about it but lots of people just think its a bong for smoking weed. The only other person I know of that knew what a hookah was besides my friends who smoke with me was the German foreign exchange student at our school who had been looking for someone who smoke hookah since he did it back in Germany. So I invited him over this weekend for a smoke.

But yea this summer I want to smoke it in the park that I live right by, cause its 100% legal and I dont care what people think even though I know Im gonna get asked questions. One time me and my friends were just sitting in the park waiting for another friend to pick us up and we were widdling some sticks, and drawing fake tattoos with a pen. Then a cop comes up and says he had a complaint that some kids were spotted injecting things into their arms. So I guess a few of my neighbours thought we were doing heroin and called the cops laugh.gif . we explained what happend and the cop just laughed so who knows what will happen with the hookah.
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QUOTE (mgcsinc @ Feb 27 2007, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SafeSearchOff @ Feb 27 2007, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've always wanted to park hookah, but I'm pretty sure a cop could come up with some reason to get me in trouble. NJ doesnt give tobacco any leeway at all.

Is it illegal to smoke cigarettes in your park? If not, I can't imagine that they've banned other forms of tobacco use.

I actually think it may be. New Jersey has passed so many tobacco lawas lately the only place you know its safe to smoke is in your own home. Pretty much any public place if anyone complains your liable to be f***ed
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Oh hookah in public? where haven't i done it.

I smoke at school during my 3 hour break on tuesdays (normally i smoke on campus, my new, big mya arrived so I Went to my cousins house 5 mins away"

I smoke at work during lunch, I've done it in front of my boss, i've done it with my supervisors, I've done it in front of all the department managers, and the store managers, i do it at parks, i've done it while I drive, in front of cops. Never more then a glance.
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I went in search of NJ tobacco laws, and damn, you're right about it being quite a minefield for smokers!

As for smoking in parks, here's the relevant state law:

§ 2C:33-13. Smoking in public

b. Any person who smokes or carries lighted tobacco in any public place, including but not limited to places of public accommodation, where such smoking is prohibited by municipal ordinance under authority of R.S. 40:48-1 and 40:48-2 or by the owner or person responsible for the operation of the public place, and when adequate notice of such prohibition has been conspicuously posted, is guilty of a petty disorderly persons offense. Notwithstanding the provisions of 2C:43-3, the maximum fine which can be imposed for violation of this section is $ 200.

So basically, state law specifically grants the authority to prohibit smoking in public places to municipalities and owners of public spaces, BUT they are required to post signs informing of that prohibition. So basically, if there are no signs, I think you're in the clear. (Disclaimer: I am, obviously, not a lawyer, and conseequently this is not legal advice).
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