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Having The Flu Sucks When You Want Shisha

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I haven't smoked shisha much in several months (as can be deduced by my lack of posting here for some time if you remember my screenname). However, why is it that when the urge hits me again I'm right in the middle of coming off a flu-like illness with lots of coughing and crud?

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I won't suggest any shisha if you have a sort throat, coz it really drys it up and make it hurt even more. But if it's just blocked nose etc, then I would say have a mint shisha or a mixer with more mint than usual. It really helps to unblock my nose, and I tend to sleep better afterwards.
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i feel your pain, i had that several months ago, needless to say my friends were not to thrilled about shareing a hose with me, which meant i got a lot more time to chill and smoke wink.gif Edited by Apollo
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I smoke regardless of a head cold, or sore throat. I had strep throat and smoked still. Yeah i know what your thinking i contaminated all my stuff, but i used plastic mouth pieces, didn't blow back into the hose, and sanitized every piece of the hookah after every session with boiling water, lemon juice, and some rubbing alcohol, followed by a good hot wash. I also didnt share the hose with friends, we set up seperate hookahs so that i wouldn't spread disease haha. It wasn't an every day thing while i had strep, but it still didn't stop me from enjoying a good bowl of shisha.

Not that i would recommend it, or say it makes everything better, but i didn't notice anything getting worse because of it.
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