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Questions About Rotators...

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I always wondered something as I browsed various sites and saw rotators... what the hell is the purpose of a 4 (or in one case I saw, a 6) hose rotator?

Like honestly, I thought they were made to rotate the hoses easier to other people. Now a one hoser, sure, makes perfect sense. If you have a group of 4 then yes, a 2 hoser makes sense. 3 is kinda stretching it, but I'll cut it some slack. But like, 4 or 6? What the hell man?

I don't even know how you could fit that many people (comfortably) around a hookah unless everyone was at least 4 feet from the hookah. And at that point it'd be kinda tough to get everyone to agree on one flavor anyhow, and it would just be so much more ecenomical to have 2 hookahs.

I'm sure I'm not the only person who thought the idea of a 4+ hose rotator was stupid, but if there's some logical reason (not including "everyone wants their own hose because they're afraid of getting cooties") please let me know haha. biggrin.gif
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Isn't the same thing true of most things? Why does the average person have an SUV? Are they going off-roading? Or a sports car, are they Dale Earnhardt (RIP, G-d needed a driver)? Nope.

Flauting your wealth is purchasing things you don't need and no one needs a six hose rotator.


But seriously, it is pretty silly. They look awesome though. And if one were free, I'd gladly take one. I bet you would, too!
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Well, I have a single hosed rotator, and personaly its all I could ever need , great for four or so people to smoke. The multiple hose thing is mostly just a preference in looks. Not only are they more expensive, but I've heard the single hosed ones smoke better anyway. Rotators are very cool, takes a bit more time to set up though.
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i have a single hose rotator as well, and i love the thing, works great and really prevents it from getting knocked over when passing the hose to friends. I suppose people who want a 4 hose hookah and are willing to spend the extra money to pick up a rotator do it because they either like the look of the rotator, or they are just being extra careful in preventing it from getting pulled over.
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