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Multi-hose Valve Systems

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So yeah, I've been changing my mind on and off of what kind of hookah I want to get down the road, and I've really liked the idea of a multi-hoser but I've always been turned off by the whole having to keep your hose covered when not smoking thing, and I'd go for a rotator but I want a bigger base because I just don't think the base of the rotator is big enough for me (not that there's anything wrong with it's smoking capabilities, but moreso just I don't care for the look of it). So anyway, I came across one of these multi-hosers that has a special valve system so you don't have to cover the hoses that aren't in use


And it sounds pretty cool and all, but it's just not that big. Anyone know of anywhere I can get a nice 2 or 3 hoser with a valve system like that that's a bit bigger (preferably 30in+) and hopefully for a reasonable price?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I think I'm really nearing the end of my search for my perfect hookah! tongue.gif
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Valve systems are hit or miss. Some work well...others just suck horribly. My advice...get a good one hoser...a mya works well for this...and the get one of myas valve adapters...you can keep it on there when youre only using one hose and it acts as a check valve. or just hook another hose up to it and voila you have a two-hoser...now you still have to keep yours covered when the other person is drawing from the hose but you dont have to worry about them keeping theirs closed when you want a hit.
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Hrmm, well that sounds pretty spiffy. I've heard good things about the Myas, but I'm not too sure about em, some of their hookahs look good, but I'm very picky and I have a bad habit of choosing by looks first, though I definitely want something that smokes good too, but I mean I'd sacrifice the best hookah for one that was 'decent' if the other one looked more sexy haha. laugh.gif

Who knows, maybe I'll still try a valve system, maybe I won't. I'd still like to hear others experiences with them, it'd help me decide better.
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Ive currently got a social smoke oasis with a mya valve adapter on it...the mya adapter isnt a direct fit...its threaded on the outside of the bottom of the adapter and my hookah is externally threaded also...it was a pretty easy fix...i just went to the hardware store and found a nut that fit the adapter...and then both externally threaded parts screw into the nut...the oasis is decently priced...and it smokes like a friggin champ...i absolutely love it...and it works great for use as a 2 hoser this way...
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