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yea i tried strawberry daquiri. i couldnt get it 2 smoke thick the flavor was way off and overall very dissapointed. luckily i only spent 3 bucks on that crap. the smell was amazing. .5/10 haha
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  • 2 months later...
Fanatsia to me was pretty good. I compared Fantasia to starbuzz and FUsion. Fantasia is more ocnsistent and it doesnt irritate the throat. I been smokin hookah since i was 16 and ya ive been around the block lol so i know wuts good. I think u can get Fantasia from buildahookah.com or u can contact ur nearest retail store and they can help u get it. u can probably google fantasia and find their corporate website.
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yeah fantasia's a pretty solid tobacco. we don't serve it, but sell it retail. the flavors are very sharp, kinda stab at your tongue, which is unlike anything flavor wise i've smoked. it tends to burn down quicker, which is sad, but the first coal or two really packs a flavor punch. blueberry, wild mango, margarita, cherry cola, cosmo: all good flavors. the only ones i don't care for are the banana split and sweet red melon. but yeah, check it out smile.gif
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  • 3 weeks later...
My experience with fantasia was that it is EXTREMELY wet, which made it a little difficult to pack b/c all the shisha stuck together, but what i did was stick it in the freezer for a couple minutes to let the molasses thicken up.

Flavors Tried:
Caramel Frappachino - 10/10 very good flavor, good buzz, and thick smoke
Exotic Mango - 7/10 the flavor was very mild but had a really good after taste
Strawberry Banana Split - 5/10 the flavor was kinda off, i dunno if it was b/c i smoked a bowl of the previous 2 flavors listed before, but to both me and my friend it tasted like chocolate, but the buzz was really good lol (going to give it another try)

Cherry Cola (have yet to try)

I got my shipment of Al Waha and Pharoah's so i started smoking those flavors
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