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Got My Flavour..

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I got my flavour today now i need to smoke it, are these steps right? :

1. fille the vase 1cm above the stem

2. fill the bowl with (amount. how much?) tobacco

3. cover with foil

4. Make small holes (not so small)

5. warm the coal, place it on the side....smoke it!

Also i got a phunnel with a hole in the middle...shall i make a hole on the foil in the middle aswell? Edited by billy
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with the phunnel u should make 2 rings of holes. one ring on the edge of the bowl and the other in the center of the phunnel. some people also make a big hole in the center, and some dont. depends on if u want to or not. for ur first time, say put the big hole in the center and see if u like it.
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well in the description of the bowl it says that it holds about 40-50g of tobacco. with mine i just fill it till its right at the edge, then cover with foil.
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Personally I don't advise smoking on an EMPTY stomach. I've had 2 instances where I smoked on a fairly "empty" stomach, and both times I felt nautious. (But I also smoked for over an hour and a half both times)

I wouldn't smoke on a totally full stomach either. (I.E. Just got done eating and you're putting the hose in your mouth lol) But it is really about preferance.
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normally i will smoke about a half hour after i eat. unless i've had a stressfull day at work then the min i get home im packing the bowl and gettin the coals burning
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I had a few probs first....

1. when i started smoking water started coming out from the hose hole and from top...:S

2. for the smoke to proper start getting big took about 15 mins after taking about 20 deep pulls :/

Is tha random or just weird?
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Holy hell, that is weird. You put a lot more water in there than you should have. Could you possibly post a picture of your hookah? Mebbe there's just a really small margin of error like with a pumpkin.
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1inch above the stem, and did you use one piece of coal? if so you can split them in halve, and put them on both ends. Or get two coals put them on both ends use a wind cover and take 3 pulls and move the coal around and repeat. thats what i do if im in a rush.
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You only want to go about 1 in above the stem, and it can be a lot less depending on the hookah. If youve got a little pumpkin the water should just bearly go above the stem. What hookah do you have? Oh and as far as when to smoke in relation to eating. I way prefer to wait till quite a while after eating, or just doing it while still hungry, cause I start to feel sick when really full and smoking.
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It depends upon the brand and preferences of the smoker but here's how I do mine.

1.1 Fill vase with water. water should come between 1/2 inch and 1 inch above the bottom of the stem. You may have to decrease this ifyou have a small chamber. No less than 1 inch if using ice as it will lower as it melts.

1.2 start lighting coals (quicklites) If using natural coals start now as well but placement later may vary.

2. make sure all fittings are tight, so no air leaks out.

3. fill bowl to just below or equal to the top of the bowl. Use a fork or your fingers to break up the shisha and sprinkle into the bowl.

4 level shisha across the bowl, do not press down (compacting shisha) just spread it side to side until even.

5 cover bowl of shisha with tinfoil, so it hangs over the bowl at leas 1/2 inch, though 1 inch recommended. pull foil down tightly trying to keep a smooth surface on top of the bowl.

6 Puncture 3 rings of circles in the foil. 1 in the center, 6 holes in second ring (aprox. equally distant from the center hole and the edge of the bowl, at even numbers on the clock. 6-12 holes in outer ring according to numbers on the clock (even if only doing 6) near theouter edge of bowl.

alt: 5 holes close to gether in center ring. second ring 5 more holes center alligned with the inner ring (so that they arent in a line. 3rd ring same as the second but on the edge of the foil.

7 carry to place you plan on smoking, insert hose.

8 place one coal, the largest in the center of the foil. start smoking.

9. after getting a good smoke keep it up for about 5 minutes. as the smoke starts dieing down, move the coal to the outer edge of screen add second coal to opposite side.

10. as smoking continues slowly move coals about 1/4 to 1/2 inches every 5-10minutes, keep them opposite eachother, as they get smaller from being burned m ove them slowly to the center of the foil. You may light another batch of coals now. If you need to move them together in the center of the foil, you deffinately need more coals. ALWAYS keep them equal and opposite from each other to prevent uneaven cooking or burning.

11. If it starts to burn remove coals for 30-45 seconds. afterwards clear smoke in chamber. add coals to edge of foil in a new location and move them inward (towards the center) untill you are smoking properly.
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