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Shisha Dens / Smoking Pits.... What Ever You Call Em !

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Hey guys,

I was jus wondering if you guys make special places where you smoke shisha ? I got a pretty small room and tried to make it fit to relaxing and shisha style ! Will post some pics soon, but i wanna see yours too. Lets have you post some pics of your kewl shisha dens then ?
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eh, usually I smoke in my room.

I have a nice comfy love seat with a sheepskin rug that keeps me feet nice and happy. Then I have pretty big tv in my entertainment center that I like to watch while I am smoking.
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Eh, so far just my living room or basement :/

Though I have some big plans in turning this thing in my backyard into a nice little area for me and my friends to smoke. I wanna have an arabic style with pillows and all but I'm no interior designer.... luckily for me my cousin is though tongue.gif laugh.gif
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When i get my own place soon i plan on making a small room done totally in middle eastern / indian / turkish / syrian blend of style... very hookah based, alot of diffrent notes of decor.. and hookahs abound.

should kick ass
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  • 3 months later...
So I know this thread is a few months old, but I wanted to inform those who aren't in the know about Love Sacs. It's furniture, so don't get freaked out. We're lucky enough to have the retail stores around here, but basically, think of them as huge bean bag chairs, but instead of those little styrofoam pellets, it's filled with chopped up furniture foam. Once you get that thing fluffed up, and fall in it, it's hard to not curl up and sleep.

We have a 6 foot one at my apartment with a nice velvet red cover. They're kind of expensive, but so awesomely worth it. I wouldn't have said that prior to owning one, but I couldn't live without it now, especially when I have my hookah next to it. If you don't have that kind of change to drop on a chair, there's an instructables that I saw someone else post in a different thread to make your own.
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I usually smoke in my room and in my office. Outdoors like to smoke at the park and at my school hall. Problem that occur to me when smoking indoor is CARPET BURNS!! that is just nasty and an eyesore. So be very careful not to drop coal on the carpet or knock your hookah indoor. Peace smile.gif
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