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Just Placed An Order From Hookahcompany

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I'm eagerly awaiting my Khalil Mamoun Amer from Hookah Company. Also got a blue tundora hose and 250g of Fusion Cactus Pear on the way... ahh, Saturday is a long way away.
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im trying to call them but no one answers the phones at HC.

i want to know if they have the scalli mod and if they can add it to my order.
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I have orderered 3x from hookah company and they are always really fast, actually just got some fusion and a new funnel bowl today. as 4 the scalli mod, it is really easy to make those just get a 3/4'' copper pipe cap(home depot 89cents), heat it up(torch if u have it, if not anything even a stove), I took a piece of 1 inch round wood, tapered it a little and put it in the open end and hammered the wood. The copper did split some but just cover the whole thing with foil when u smoke. Foil actually makes it easier to clean it anyways. If that was 2 quick, let me know and I'll do a full explination in the how to forum.
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I'm guessing that they're only going to answer the phones during normal business hours smile.gif And the Scalli mod was a MNH exclusive, so I doubt they're going to know what you're talking about, since it's named after a forum member here, Scalliwag!
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