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Smiley's Sexxxy Recycling Program

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Dear Smiley:

I just received your prickly pear and bubbleberry from MNHookah. Both mondo tasty. They come in very nice screw top jars that I wouldn't want to toss. So I was thinking, that maybe as part of the Hookah Club, It would be cool if we could mail you the jars back and get them refiled. I'm not looking for anything free or anything just a way to recycle. Or I guess we could just use them for other shisha, but that seems sacrilegious. Just a thought.

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That is a great idea and I think it would be an incentive to buying smiley's tobacco even though you don't need too much of an incentive. This would be a positive for both the user and smiley because smiley gets more business and the user gets slightly cheaper tobacco.
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Environmentally conscious hookah smokers - I like smile.gif

Seriously though, I think that would be great for anyone who made shisha and sent them in sturdy containers to allow people to recycle them - as an added incentive, maybe giving a discount since you're not using new packaging.

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+ 1

i need to order some of smileys sexxxxy shisha... haven't had a chance, may sound stupid, but i can get it at mnhookahs and where else?

i'm ordering a bowl from mn but whatever is easiest for smiley. (didn't mean to debo this thread.)
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I remember tangy was thinking abotu this at one point...he wanted to see refills of the shishas, but for a smaller price to account for the jar. I always thoguht it was a great idea. I hope smiley does it.
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Recycling has never been sexier! I loves me some smiley shisha containers, they're very similar to hand cream containers, which is weird.

Wait, what was I talking about again?
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