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My Monstrous Phunnel Bowl

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I got a phunnel bowl in the mail and its a monster. Its nearly 10 feet tall! What do I do with such a beast? So me and some buds smoked from it but we were not sure if we were doing it right. We put the shisha where its suppose to go then covered it and we poked the holes around the phunnel... is that right? then we put coals on and smoked. We got smoke but one of my friends said that something seems wrong. I thought everything was fine since we were getting good smoke and everything. I did it right yeS?
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The phunnel is pretty big. I only whip it out during big gatherings. It seems you are doing it right... I mean, if you are getting good smoke. There are several techniques for the phunnel bowl. The bowl is meant to save the juices that tend to bleed down the regular bowls and makes the flavor last longer.
When something is wrong, you will feel the draw to be difficult. The reason being that the foil is blocking the big hole. A lazy fix is to just place a toothpick or something through the foil and force the foil to be separated from the hole.

By the way, I caught your sarcasm. wink.gif
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i put 3 rings of large holes around the "phunnel" part of the bowl and one medium hole right in the middle.

set up 2 hookahs, one with a phunnel and one with a regular head. smoke both of them until they are completely done. I gaurantee the regular head won't last nearly as long as the phunnel. + it makes cleaning easier because none of the tobacco juices run down the stem/tray.
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