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To Smoke Or Not To Smoke

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Well I quit about a month ago. Why? well because i mixed aljamy,waha,and nakhla and after the smoke session i felt like vomiting and all dizzy and ever since then i havent touched my QT. But now the urge is kicking me in the balls to smoke so what should I do ... or what would you do.
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Smoke my friend! Smoke like the wind! Seriously, you are asking the equivalent of this:

"I took a burger, a french dip sandwich, and a reuben, tossed them in a blender, and after I drank it I wanted to puke and throw myself out a window. Should I ever eat again?"

If I were you, I'd make a bowl out of a cantaloupe, fill it with a 500g box of whatever, and take the week off of work.
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Don't be a pansy laugh.gif Smoke! (Not trying to sound mean by saying that)

If you feel the urge to smoke go for it. tongue.gif We all have bad days but don't let that ruin your experience. It's like anything really. Good times, bad times. Don't be discouraged. Give it another go.
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