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If You Had To Get One Starbuzz Flavor?

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I've pretty much narrowed my decision down to the following flavors, however I'd rather not spring for the 5x100g sampler and just get one can of one flavor. Please help me decide!

Choose StarBuzz Flavor: Exotic Marlette
Choose StarBuzz Flavor: Exotic Chocolate Mint - NEW
Choose StarBuzz Flavor: Exotic Social Smoke - Custom Blend
Choose StarBuzz Flavor: Exotic Sweet Melon - NEW
Choose StarBuzz Flavor: Exotic X On The Beach - NEW

Which should I spring for? If you'd recommend one NOT on this list, please go for it.

What I'm looking for is good strong taste and strong smoke, almost no buzz.. which is why I'm going for Starbuzz, but if I'm misguided, please let me know.

Also, where's the best place to buy Starbuzz and what's the applicable forum discount.

Thanks guys. Edited by pcmike
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you won't be dissapointed with x on the beach or marlette. x on the beach was my first and thats the flavor that convinced me to buy 10 more tubs of starbuzz.

alsoo mnhookah.com

use the discount hookahforum

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i smoke chocolate strawberry and x on the beach currently, and i dont think you would be disappointed with either of those. x on the beach is hard to mix with though, having trouble thinking of things to put with it.
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Went ahead and ordered some x on the beach and 3K from MN. The discount doesn't quite seem like 15% (which is what I thought it was), but at least they offer USPS shipping which I much prefer to UPS (which is what everyone else seems to use).

Hopefully it'll be here for Saturday.

Thanks guys.
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