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Looking To Buy A New Hookah And Need Advice

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Well the metal foil screen conducts heat also, size doesn't matter as much as how you set it up. I wouldn't get a rotator, and is this your first hookah? The first and last ones are nice. I have a similar one to the first one but 1 hose. The number of hoses does matter to some extent.
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personally i dont really care for any of those. the base design seems well not ideal. too narrow in my opinion.
rotators are hard to take care of and really aren't that great. its kind of a useless flashiness. Also think about how many ppl u are going to be smoking w/ on average. if its usually going to be just u and a buddy I would just get a 1 hose hookah. I seriously don't use my 2 hose hookah unless i have a group of at least 5. Haha... gotta make sure ppl have a break so they you can get a converstaion going instead of nonstop puffing. It is a social activity after all.
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