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People From Socal, Good Place To Buy Mya?

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Well since the topic says Socal, I'll mention SD. Hookahcompany.com is out of Encinitas and you can go up to the Warehouse with product numbers and get what you want w/o shipping.
Also, I found this place in SD that has Myas. I paid $30 for a mini acrylic with 100 g shisha and a roll of coals no tax. Regular would be $40 plus $9.50 in extras plus tax. I don't really want to advertise for them on here but if you want the name, address, website of the place pm me. They also have a 20% off coupon on their myspace that is good on entire purchases.

Edit: Forgot to mention, the shop also has starbuzz and you can use 20% off coupon making it $16 out the door.
And, Fumari is in Downtown SD and I was told by Mya that carry their stuff too. Edited by puffinsandiego
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