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Quick Newb Question

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I was just wondering, right now, I'm not getting too thick of smoke right now, and i've pretty much tried everything, I was just wondering if maybe switching to a different shisha (i use some pretty crappy stuff now) would increase the thickness of the smoke??
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Anytime I have ever not gotten the hookah to hit thick smoke, it was because somewhere there was a leak, or the foil was not covering the entire bowl.

Just a random guess if theres no leaks is maybe try cleaning everything out; could be just backed up with resin?
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You must make sure you have the correct water levels in the base. Something I struggled with for a long time. At least 1 inch past stem. Don't pack too much shisha. Use foil and make many many many holes. make sure everything is tight. The bowl taht came with my hookah wasn't tight and i didn't get a good smoke until i bought a better bowl.
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I've found HookahHookah Tobacco to be the among the worst out there. Sultan tobacco gave me thicker smoke, but tasted like chemicals. And I think the consensus on Rommann coals was mixed.

I've found the asiest combo is Starbuzz and 3kings coals. You've really gotta work at it to get Starbuzz to burn harsh. Tangiers is reputed to be excellent, but not for beginners or the weak of lung. It takes a bit more effort, and is a bit strong for me.

My mainstays that I keep ion stock are Starbuzz, Al Fahker, and blackberry Al Amir. For coals, the easiest I've found are Golden 40mm Quicklights or 3Kings Quicklights, broken in half. Natural coals aren't as convenient, so I take the lazy route.
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everything is personal preference, and i think every shisha brand has potential depending on what you are looking for, and how you set it up... Personally i like al waha brand, its cheap, and tasty
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