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Nakhla Chocomint Harsh

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Ok last week I bought some chocomint from nakhla and the stuff smells great and tastes great but for the first 10 minutes it hits really harsh on the throat. at first i thought it was hitting harsh because i might of had to much heat on the bowl, wheni removed a coal it stopped hitting as harsh so believed that was the reason but, then the next day i had another bowl of chocomint and again it started of so harsh and i had less coals than the day before so i knew it wasnt cause of the heat. well after about 10-15 minutes it stopped being so harsh i have no idea why, i blew out stale smoke from when i started the bowl and that wasnt it either,
i only had 2 coals on the bowl, ice water in the vase and this stuff was hitting so harsh in the beggining then all of the sudden it goes away, im not sure why, so has anybody else had a problem like this with the chocomint?

it made me pretty mad because this stuff tastes so great and produces thick creamy clouds of paradise ONLY after you endure like 10-15 minutes of hell on ur throat angry.gif
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Something I've noticed is that people sometimes endure harsh periods for no reason. From my experience, you can just stop smoking for 5 minutes (but leave the coal on and everything else the same), and when you start smoking again everything is good. People seem to have the intuition that this would burn the tobacco, but that has not been the case in my experience - the most annoying thing is just that you go through a little bit of coal while you wait.

I don't know about Chocomint in particular, though. I'm an After Nine guy, myself smile.gif
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OK thanks i'll try that, and i still need to try after nine biggrin.gif
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If you are going to use 2 coals, try leaving about 1-2mm gap between the top of the tobacco and foil. You are simply getting the tobacco too hot at first, and then once the coals have had their chance to ash over a bit (the ash insulates from the heat a bit) then the smoke mellows out.

The temperature of the water in the base really wont have any effect on the harshness, just the density of the smoke. The harshness is because you are burning the shisha causing the smoke to have a high carbon content. You want to cook the shisha slowly, evaporating the molasses and glycerin. If you burn the shisha, the temperature of the smoke isn't what's irritating, it's the carbon and tar that comes with it.

Try some different heat management techniques and you'll have better luck with nakhla. Try filling the bowl just a tad less, and use 3 halves of 33mm quicklights around the edge of the bowl.

I'm sure that too much heat/contact is your problem since it is too hot at FIRST, then mellows out as the heat dissipates.

All that said, do compare the afternine to the nakhla chocomint. And mix a little of either chocomint or afternine with some cappuccino. about 80% cappuccino, 20% afternine. MMMMMMMM.

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Great advice, LuxOR. However, with the Chocomint, what I've noticed with it is a overly harsh blast of mint in the beginning. I don't think it's a heat problem as much as a Nakhla problem. Can't believe I said that. But I think Chocomint is a wonderful tobacco, and am willing to endure the mint blast for a while to get to the chocolate.

MR Bubble
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ya it's what i said, great flavor but first ur throat has to go through hell to taste it
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