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Hey guys I would like you to know about the Forum Chat. If you know about it well start useing it. If you don't..... start going. We I mean The Cameron,Ghost of David and I Smiley feel we haven't really used it to it fullest. I agree. I myself haven't had alot of time to go there. But its time, to make some time to hang and chat with friends.So come on friends lets Chat. I would like to chat with everyone. Ghost is dyeing to chat with folks. The Cameron is going crazy because no one is ever there. The chat has no threads.... that you have to stick to topic. Come and chat about Hookah or we can talk about The Sky is Purple. It doesn't matter as long as your respectful. We sometimes talk about Hookah sometimes we don't. It just doesn't matter. We talk about JD's better half and the Cooking going on over the ocean...which I hear is amazeing. I make fun of GD. GD makes fun of me. We call Ev El cause it makes him mad. LOL El is there rockin. Hell I have spent at least a Hour playing with the HOOKAHBOt. Which by the way is funny as Hell. Thanks EV.So come on down and give some love and join the Fourm Chat.
Hope to see you all there. Smoke well friends
Smiley wink.gif
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Smiley, you beat me to it. after our discussion last night, i was gonna come on and post something, like i always do about the chat. seeing as how we've gotten a lot of response from this thread, i expect to see a few new faces. you guys owe it to yourselves to check it out. Come smoke amongst friends.
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java is good to go. Updated and alllllll that stuff...... any other suggestions besides smash my computer to bits? I dont' like this new computer, i want my old station back .

when shift changes i'll steal the other computer so i can talk at ya.
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ahhh its dead right now! anyways i remember when HFC was live and crackin' hahah when erica used to show up all the time and skimo would be there too!!. anyways i think every registered member on this forum should at least go on hfc when they can!
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