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Looking To Buy A Hookah..

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Hey you guys! Im looking to buy a hookah for my boyfriend the problem is that ive never used one so therefore i know pretty much nothing about them, my boyfriend does but not me. It's a gift so i dont want to go to him and ask any questions so I was hoping that some of you experts could possibly help me find a good one or recommend one to me that works really well, obviously, and is pretty damn nice looking. Ive been to hookahkings.com and hookah-shisha.com and found a couple on hookah-shisha that i like. I dont want to order one and then find out it doesnt work well cuz that would suck @$$! my budget would be anything less than $150 and maybe $200 and 2 hoses the most. Also, there were two egyptian hookahs i liked from hookah-shisha. it was the sphinx (2hose) and the nile (2hose); are these any good? Thanks guys!!!
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Well, if you want help, start by telling us what you like!

Are you sure that you want a two hose? How tall? How often does he smoke? How many people?

All of these will assist us in suggesting a great hookah for you. Chances are you can get a really good hookah for about 80-100 if you tell us what you want and you price shop a little.
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hmm.... He doesnt own one so thats why im buying him one. i dont want to go to him for his opinion because i dont want him to know anything about it. It doesnt have to be 2 hoses, i figured 2 because im sure he and his friends will be using it but 1 would be fine. as for height, anything over 20".... i dunno if they all are over 20" huh.gif sorry you guys... i dont know much about them, thats why im here. but the taller the better right? so ummmm, 30" =) he doesnt smoke too often but who knows once i get him this one. but i guess u can say the most once a week if he had one. He'd prob have like 5 friends over using it.
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